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Culp Discusses ITT Tech Closure, Job Announcements and New Lease Deal on Recent INsiders Panel

Sep 14, 2016 KSM User
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Katie Culp, president of KSM Location Advisors, joined Justin Ohlemiller, executive director at Stand for Children, and Robert Herzog, Berkeley College senior VP of finance and administration, on last week’s Inside INdiana Business’ INsiders panel.

The panel chimed in on the effects of recent expansion announcements from MOBI Wireless Management and Kohl’s, ITT Tech’s closure, Sun King’s new tap room, and Indiana’s recent lease deal of cell towers. The panelists were collectively positive about the impact of the recent business expansions, and how this demonstrates the rebounding of the economy. Culp specifically noted that these expansions are reflective of the bread and butter of central Indiana’s economy – high-tech, food and beverage, and distribution – and how important they are to the future of the state.

KSM Location Advisors is part of the Katz, Sapper & Miller Network. As president, Culp consults and advises clients on economic development incentives, location analysis, and related economic development opportunities in all 48 contiguous states.