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Culp Discusses Unemployment Rates and Legislative Priorities on Recent INsiders Panel

Dec 12, 2016 KSMLA
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Katie Culp, president of KSM Location Advisors, appeared alongside Vox Global senior partner, Mike Marker, and Ivy Tech’s statewide diversity and community outreach executive director, Doran Moreland, on the recent Inside INdiana Business’ INsiders panel.

The panel weighed in on the dip in unemployment rates in October, legislative priorities for the upcoming 2017 Indiana Legislative session, and other topics such as consumer confidence headed into the holiday season.

Culp specifically honed in on the misconceptions that come with low unemployment, noting that although it’s a positive for workers themselves, companies continue to struggle with a workforce shortage. In this shortage she sees opportunities for employers to up their training game for their existing employees, encouraging them to offer additional learning opportunities to their employees in order to stay competitive.

Additionally, panelists discussed the legislative priorities for the upcoming session. Culp noted the importance of Indiana’s infrastructure and keeping it at the top of the priority list: “Just drive through Illinois and you can see what happens when you don’t pay attention to this. You have to take care of the assets that make you strong.”

KSM Location Advisors is part of the Katz, Sapper & Miller Network. As president, Culp consults and advises clients on economic development incentives, location analysis, and related economic development opportunities in all 48 contiguous states.