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Cook Discusses Holcomb’s SOS, Infrastructure Improvements, and More on the INsiders

Jan 26, 2017 Jamie Pike
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Tim Cook, CEO of KSM Location Advisors, joined Lara Beck of Beck Communications Group and Aaron Reitz, market president of KeyBank, on Gerry Dick’s recent Inside INdiana Business INsiders panel.

The panel weighed in on Holcomb’s State of the State, infrastructure improvements, the endorsement of the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute, plans for the former General Motors stamping plant site, Eli Lilly’s acquisition, and Indy’s growing tech scene.

Cook noted that Holcomb’s State of the State honed in on issues that need to be addressed – infrastructure, workforce, and early education – making it a very consensus-driven speech. Cook pointed out the importance of investing in Indiana’s infrastructure, specifically. Stating with respect to Indiana’s well-known “Crossroads of America” nickname, “I don’t know how we keep that title unless we invest in those assets.”

Panelists also discussed plans for the former General Motors stamping plant in downtown Indianapolis, which Cook sees as a positive. “Any time we can add another amenity downtown, it’s going to be appealing to the types of talents we are trying to attract.”

KSM Location Advisors is part of the Katz, Sapper & Miller Network. As CEO, Cook consults and advises clients on economic development incentives, location analysis, and related economic development opportunities in all 48 contiguous states.