Katie Culp, president of KSM Location Advisors, appeared alongside Vox Global vice president, Francesca Jarosz Brady, and First Person’s managing director, Paul Ashley, on the recent Inside INdiana Business’ INsiders panel.
The panel weighed in on Fishers’ new Internet of Things Lab, Levementum’s announcement to expand to Indiana, the impact of Indiana’s life sciences industry on the community, and more.
Regarding the new Indiana IoT Lab – Fishers, Culp noted that Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness and his economic development team have done an excellent job identifying a growth strategy and utilizing creative thought to execute their vision.
“This shows how it’s supposed to be done. A community targets a strategy – in this case it’s tech. They brought in educational institutions, private employers, and they’ve used creative thought to execute their vision.”
Panelists also discussed Levementum’s announcement to expand to Indiana, a project that Culp’s incentives consulting team assisted with. Culp says their location decision was driven in large part by the ability to pursue and grow a diverse workforce.
KSM Location Advisors is part of the Katz, Sapper & Miller Network. As president, Culp consults and advises clients on economic development incentives, location analysis, and related economic development opportunities in all 48 contiguous states.