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Gov. Holcomb Announces New Employer Training Grant

Aug 24, 2017 KSMLA
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Last week, Gov. Holcomb rolled out the Next Level Jobs initiative by announcing a pair of training grants aimed at high-priority industries and high-demand jobs: the Workforce Ready Grant and the Employee Training Grant.

While the Workforce Ready Grant – a tuition reimbursement program for adults focusing on certain high-growth sectors – is a boon for Indiana’s long-term workforce development efforts, the Employer Training Grant will have an immediate positive impact on Indiana’s economy. The program reimburses employers who train, hire, and retain new workers to fill in-demand positions within recognized priority sectors.

As this is a new program, many details are still being ironed out at the administrative level, but here is what we know:

Due to the cap per employer, we expect most companies will want to pursue the Employer Training Grant on their own; however, should you have questions, please contact us and we will direct you to the appropriate resources.

To learn more about the Employer Training Grant program, please visit the Next Level Jobs site.