For any company serious about maximizing the impact of its site selection decision, relocation incentives are an essential part of the process. While the other economic factors driving site selection are also important, incentives can help you save big on the capital expenses that come with a major move. Realizing all of your incentives can be the difference in making the move a success for your business, stakeholders, and employees.
The process starts right at the beginning, and it does not end when you are up and running in your new space. From before you break ground to well after moving in, there are mistakes you’ll need to avoid to get all your incentive dollars.
KSM Location Advisors can help. Our whitepaper outlines the 12 mistakes that so many companies make when it comes to incentives compliance and explains how you can easily avoid them. Don’t wait—planning for success starts now.
KSM Location Advisors has helped to secure more than $600 million in incentives for clients, and advises clients in all 48 contiguous states. Affiliated with Katz, Sapper & Miller, one of the nation’s largest accounting firms, KSM Location Advisors is the incentives compliance partner that will be with you for the long haul—no matter where your relocation takes you.
“The KSM Location Advisors team is first-rate. They truly understand our business and what we are trying to do as a company. Because of their experience and relationships, they provide tremendous value. They are an important advisor and strategic partner.”
-Bob Whitt, Sun King Brewing Co.
“The KSM Location Advisors compliance team is amazing…the people we work with are incredible. Always super responsive and helpful and there for us when we need them!”
-Tim Paul, Comfort Keepers